Deciding what kind of music to use in a game can be confusing - whether you're a composer, working with one, or using stock music. Here's a rational method to help you choose:
First, take a scene/level from your game. Write down all the emotions and ideas it makes you feel and think of. Make it long.
From these, choose which ones you want to make the most obvious. Be picky: an effective soundtrack focuses the player's attention on only one or few emotions/ideas.
Now the objective is to give this scene/level music that fits your chosen keywords. If you're a composer, now you have a clear direction. If you work with a composer, show them your list of keywords. It will help them nail what you want, and they'll love you for it (I would).
If you have a super low budget and use stock/free music, search for royalty-free music using those keyboards. Have patience, it can be hard to find (but you can ask me for help).
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